Welcome to HSBC Live Share

Note: Please review our Website Terms and Conditions below. You must scroll down and click the Continue button at the bottom of this agreement to start a session

Website Terms and Conditions

This document sets out the terms and conditions ('Terms') of use of HSBC Linkscreen (the 'Site'). Use of the Site includes accessing, browsing or logging in to use the Site. This Site is operated by HSBC Bank plc, which is owned by HSBC Holdings plc. By accessing this Site, you agree to be bound by the Terms. If you do not agree to be bound by the Terms, you must not use the Site. Before using this Site, you should read the Terms carefully, as well as our Website Privacy Notice.

HSBC Bank plc is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. It is listed with the registration number 114216. HSBC Bank plc is a company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales with company registration number 14259 and its registered office at 8 Canada Square, London E14 5HQ. HSBC Bank plc's registered VAT Number is GB 365684514.

HSBC Bank plc is a member of the Financial Ombudsman Scheme and adheres to The Standards of Lending Practice. More detail about this is available on the Lending Standards Board website. For information about accounts and other products you can refer to the Money Advice Service section on the Financial Conduct Authority ('FCA') website.

In these Terms:

'applicant(s)' means any potential or actual applicant applying for a product, account or other service offered by us through the Site

'content' means all pages, screens, information and materials included in or accessible through this Site (including any content available on any email or SMS services)

'HSBC Group' means HSBC Holdings plc, its subsidiaries and associated companies from time to time

'we', 'us' and 'our' means HSBC Bank plc

'you', 'your' and 'yours' means you, the person(s) accessing this Site

Site Terms

These Terms cover your use of this Site. All accounts, products and services provided by members of the HSBC Group have their own terms and conditions (the 'Product Terms'). If you agree to Product Terms, including as an agent for an applicant, in event of any conflict between these Terms and the Product Terms then the Product Terms will take priority.
We may amend these Terms at any time without notice. Your use of the Site after such amendment will be subject to these Terms as amended. We therefore recommend that you check these Terms each time you access the Site to take notice of such changes, as any changes to these Terms will be binding immediately once made.
The products, accounts and services advertised on this Site are subject to availability and may be withdrawn or amended at any time without notice.

Users of the site

The Site is currently intended for use within the United Kingdom only. Because of this we cannot guarantee that the Site or the information thereon complies with law or regulation outside of the United Kingdom, or is appropriate for use in other places or by applicants. If you choose to enter the Site from outside your country of residence, you are advised that it may not be legal in that jurisdiction for you to access or use the facilities available on the Site and the legal requirements of that jurisdiction may prohibit you from dealing or otherwise transacting in that jurisdiction. No member of the HSBC Group will be liable for any breach of local law or regulation that you may commit as a result of using and accessing the Site from a country in which you are not resident. Not all the products and services that you may be able to view via this Site may be available in all geographical locations served by HSBC Group members. Your use of this Site is subject to the applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction. HSBC Group members may decline to provide applicants with products and services subject to status.
You are wholly responsible for use of the Site by any person using your computer and you must ensure that any such person complies with these Terms. You must treat your Site login details as confidential and tell us immediately if you know or suspect that anyone knows your details or your details are being (or have been) used fraudulently. We reserve the right to disable your Site login details if, in our reasonable opinion, you fail to comply with these Terms. You will be liable for any losses arising as a result of the misuse of your Site login details.

Availability of site

The content, including layout, of this Site or services available via this Site may be wholly or partially suspended, withdrawn or changed at any time.
We also reserve the right to suspend the provision of all or any part of the Site to you immediately and/or block your access to the Site in any of the following situations:
If you have seriously or persistently breached or failed to observe any of the Terms, including where:
you are, or we reasonably suspect that you may be, using or obtaining or allowing someone else to use or obtain an account, service or money illegally;
you are using, or we reasonably suspect that you are using, the Site for an illegal purpose;
you are, or we reasonably suspect you may be, acting fraudulently; or
we suspect that an unauthorised person is attempting to access the Site using your security details such as your username and password;
If we reasonably consider that by continuing to provide you with access to the Site:
we may break a law, regulation, code, court order or other duty; or
we, or another HSBC Group company, may be exposed to action or censure from any government regulatory or law enforcement agency; or
Where we have, or a member of the HSBC Group has, suspicions regarding financial crime or an associated risk.

Your obligations

In accessing and using the Site you will:
  • Comply with all laws, regulations, rules, duties, and obligations (whether or not originating in the United Kingdom) which apply from time to time to, or are relevant in connection with, these Terms and the operation of your business; and
  • Comply with all relevant requirements and provisions of any present or future legislation, regulations, or codes of practice.
You must not do, or omit to do, anything which will or may:
  • Affect any authorisation, licence, consent or permission necessary or desirable for the conduct of our business; or
  • Cause us to breach any laws, regulations, rules, codes of practice, duties, obligations or other requirements which may from time to time be relevant.
We may undertake such monitoring as we consider appropriate to satisfy any obligations imposed on us by the FCA, PRA or any other regulator.
Security - it is your sole responsibility adequately to
  • protect and back up your data and equipment,
  • undertake reasonable and appropriate precautions against any computer virus or other destructive materials or elements, and
  • ensure that your devices and your access to the Site are adequately secured against any unauthorised users.
Your use of this Site - you may not use this Site or permit others to use this Site:
  • for any purpose which is unlawful, defamatory or libellous, offensive, abusive, indecent, menacing or threatening or in any way that infringes any intellectual property rights or breaches any obligations of confidence,
  • to cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to any other person or in any other way which is in violation of any applicable law or regulation in any jurisdiction in the world, or
  • to introduce a virus or other disruptive material or element or otherwise disrupt or impair this Site or any communication service.

No warranties

The following clauses exclude or limit our legal liability for the Site. You should read them carefully. They all apply only as far as the law permits, and in particular we do not exclude or restrict our duties and liabilities to you or any applicant under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (the "Act"), or the rules of the FCA for the conduct of business.
While we have taken reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy, currency, availability correctness and completeness of the information contained on the Site, information is provided on an "as is", "as available" basis and we do not give or make any warranty or representation of any kind, whether express or implied. The use of the Site is at your sole risk. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever arising (whether in tort, contract, negligence or otherwise and whether direct, indirect or consequential) as a result of your or any applicant's use of the Site, use of or reliance on the information contained on the Site, or any failure or performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus or line or system failure to this Site.
We do not represent or warrant that the Site will be available and meet your or any applicant's requirements, that access will be uninterrupted, that there will be no delays, failures, errors or omissions or loss of transmitted information, that no viruses or other contaminating or destructive properties will be transmitted or that no damage will occur to your computer system. You have sole responsibility for adequate protection and back up of data and/or equipment and for undertaking reasonable and appropriate precautions to scan for computer viruses or other destructive properties.
We make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, functionality or performance of any third party software that may be used in connection with the Site.
The above exclusions apply to any damage which is direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential or consists of loss of profits, business, opportunity or data.
All of the above exclusions apply even if you have advised us or any other member of the HSBC Group of the possibility of the above types of damage, loss or liability.
We may explain in the Site's screens that certain information is provided subject to certain restrictions, or on a specific basis (for example, it is only accurate as at a certain date). If we do this and you rely on the information, you do so subject to those restrictions or the basis on which the information is provided.
We will not be responsible for any loss of or damage to your data, software, computer, telecommunications or other equipment caused by you using the Site unless such loss or damage is directly and solely caused by our negligence or deliberate default.
Unless we have specifically agreed with you otherwise, we shall have no liability for:
any equipment, software or associated user documentation which any person other than us produces at any time for use, or which can be used, in connection with the Site; and
any services through which you access the Site or which you access through the Site which are not controlled by us.
We shall not be responsible to you if we fail to comply with any of the Terms or you suffer any loss:
due to abnormal and unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, the consequences of which would have been unavoidable despite all efforts to the contrary; or
where this is due to our obligations under European or national law.

Passwords and security

In order to use the Site, you may be required to become a registered user. In order to become a registered user we will issue you with one or more of the following, namely, registered username, session code, password or other security identifier in accordance with our procedures in place from time to time (the 'security details').
You must take all reasonable precautions to keep safe and prevent fraudulent use of your security details to access this Site. You will keep your security details secret and confidential at all times. Your security details may allow you to access personal and confidential account and/or financial information. These precautions include, but are not limited to the following:
  • never writing down or otherwise recording your security details in a way that can be understood by someone else,
  • not choosing security details that may be easy to guess,
  • taking care to ensure that no one hears or sees your security details when you use them,
  • keeping your security details unique to the Site,
  • never telling your security details to anyone else including our staff,
  • changing your security details immediately and telling us as soon as possible if you know, or even suspect, that someone else knows any of those details, or if we ask you to,
  • complying with all reasonable instructions we issue regarding keeping your security details safe,
  • never recording your security details on any software which retains it automatically (for example any computer screen prompts or "save password" feature or the like on your internet browser),
  • keeping your computer or other device secure by using anti-virus and anti-spyware software and a personal firewall,
  • never going to website login pages directly from a link in an email and entering security or other details - always access the Site by typing in the address to your web browser, unless retaining your security details is a specific function of a banking service provided by us,
  • never accessing the Site from any device connected to any public internet access device or access point (for example, at an internet cafe),
  • once you have logged on to the Site, not leaving the device from which you have accessed it unattended or letting anyone else use that device until you have logged off,
  • following all security measures recommended by the manufacturer of the device you use to access the Site, and
  • keeping your security details in a safe place at all times.
You agree to tell us immediately of any unauthorised access to the Site using your security details or any unauthorised transaction or instruction which you know of or suspect of if you suspect someone else knows your security details. We will need you to help us and any law enforcement agency in trying to recover any losses or otherwise deal with the result of such access. We may disclose information about you or your Site account to a law enforcement agency or other third parties if we think it will help prevent or recover losses, including the loss or unauthorised access to personal data. We may ask you to co-operate with us and the police in relation to any investigation into the actual or suspected misuse of your security details and/ or accounts.
You are wholly responsible for use of the Site by any person using your security details.
If asked, you must confirm in writing the loss or theft of your security details.

Third party sites and endorsements

Where we provide hypertext links to other locations on the Internet, we do so for information purposes only. We are not responsible for the content of any other websites or pages linked from or linking to this Site. We have not verified the content of any such websites. Following links to any other websites or pages shall be at your own risk and we shall not be responsible or liable for any damages or in other way in connection with linking. When you access or link to any other website, please read the terms and privacy notice issued by such other website to determine the policies that apply to information or data maintained by that website. Links to downloadable software sites are for convenience only and we are not responsible or liable for any difficulties or consequences associated with downloading the software. Use of any downloaded software is governed by the terms of the license agreement, if any, which accompanies or is provided with the software.
No endorsement or approval of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressed or implied by any information on our Site.

Trade marks and copyright

Copyright in the pages screens, information and material in their arrangement included in this Site is owned by or licensed to HSBC Bank plc unless otherwise noted. You may imprint, copy, download or temporarily store extracts from our Site for your information or when you discuss our products and services with applicants. You must not alter anything. Any other use is prohibited unless you first get our written permission. In particular no one may use a part of our Site on any other website, or link any other website to our Site, without our prior written permission.

Links to our site

Neither you nor any other party may use any part of this Site on any other website, or link any other website to this Site, without our prior written permission.
We are not responsible for the set up of any link from a third party website to our Site.
Neither you nor any other party may deep link to, frame, spider, harvest or scrape the Content or otherwise access the Content for any purposes, or use any machine, electronic, web based or similar device to read or extract the content by machine based or automated means, without our prior written permission.

Internet e-mail

Messages sent over the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be completely secure as they are subject to possible interception or loss or possible alteration. We are not responsible for them and will not be liable to you, an applicant or anyone else for any damages or otherwise in connection with any message sent by you to us or any message sent by us to you over the Internet.

Governing law

The Terms are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the courts of the above jurisdiction will have non-exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute, which may arise.
No delay by either party in enforcing the provisions of these Terms will prejudice or restrict the rights of that party nor will any waiver of its right operate as a waiver of any subsequent breach and no right, power or remedy conferred on or reserved for either party is exclusive of any other right, power or remedy available to that party and each such right, power or remedy will be cumulative.
The illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of any of these Terms will not affect the legality, validity or enforceability of the other Terms.
Headings are used in these Terms for convenience only and will not affect their enforceability.

Your queries

If you wish to contact us, please refer to our representative who is assisting you with this site.

Please click the button to download a copy of the 'Website Terms and Conditions'.

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